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22’ BANKS DORY $10,500
Located in SE Massachusetts
This handsome rugged wooden dory, was built by the noted Dory Shop in Shelburne, Nova Scotia in 2006. Custom paint and lettering. It has a lobster hauler, comes with the original new trailer and a 5hp Mercury engine.
The Dories of North Atlantic are legendary for their seaworthiness, and this is a prime example of those wonderful workboats that became so well respected. Dories are the boats that have the longest history of production in North America, and they have been built continuously since the late 1700’s. And, for good reason.
The boat was only launched 2 times, then shrink wrapped and stored safely indoors. Excellent condition!
The boat with everything cost approximately $25, 000 when it was purchased.
Available for less than half the price at $10,500
All inquiries should be made to Roger Crawford by email roger@melonseed.com
or phone 781.837.3666